About the Challenge
The 22 in 22 Challenge was created to raise awareness about the military suicide crisis. All funds raised through the Challenge are donated to Stop Soldier Suicide, the nation’s first veteran-founded-and-led 501(c)3 nonprofit dedicated to preventing military suicide.
How it Works
Teams from across the U.S. will walk, run, bike, wheel, march, or do yoga (or another activity of their choosing) every day for 22 days to raise funds and awareness about the military suicide crisis and the work that Stop Soldier Suicide is doing to empower the military community for life.
Get Involved
22 in 22 Challenge Examples
Create a tribute to your hero
Create Team to Build Awareness & Funding
Rally your Community Around the Cause
Start your
#22in22Challenge #StopSoldierSuicide

Get Social
Invite your friends and family to join the 22 in 22 Challenge
Stop Soldier Suicide provides free resources and support to all past and present military and their families.